読字中の眼球運動から読んだ単語の数を推定するシステム「万語計」を開発しています。万語計をJINS MEME (眼電位を計測できる眼鏡) 上に実装することで、一日の読書量を計測することを可能にしました。万歩計を身につけて生活すると歩く習慣がつくのと同じ効果で読書習慣を向上させることはできないか研究しています。
- Shoya Ishimaru, Kensuke Hoshika, Kai Kunze, Koichi Kise and Andreas Dengel. Towards Reading Trackers in the Wild: Detecting Reading Activities by EOG Glasses and Deep Neural Networks. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Adjunct Publication (UbiComp '17 Adjunct), pp. 704–711, 2017. BibTeX PDF
- Shoya Ishimaru, Kai Kunze, Koichi Kise and Andreas Dengel. The Wordometer 2.0: Estimating the Number of Words You Read in Real Life using Commercial EOG Glasses. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Adjunct Publication (UbiComp '16 Adjunct), pp. 293–296, 2016. BibTeX PDF
- Kai Kunze, Katsutoshi Masai, Masahiko Inami, Ömer Sacakli, Marcus Liwicki, Andreas Dengel, Shoya Ishimaru and Koichi Kise. Quantifying Reading Habits: Counting How Many Words You Read. In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp '15), pp. 87–96, 2015. BibTeX PDF